The Mysterious Song identified!

I’m overwhelmed with joy to learn that “The Most Mysterious Song on the Internet”, or “Like the Wind”, or “Blind the Wind”, or “Check It In, Check It Out”, or “Summer Blues”, or “Subways of Your Mind” has finally been solved. Sure, there are still some final things that are awaiting confirmation, but there’s every reason to believe this is the real deal.

This is the only song that’s always at the core of every Mysterious Music episode. It’s what got me involved in Lostwave, which in turn got me involved in creating YouTube content, which in turn got me in contact with several fellow music lovers to find and listen to forgotten songs. In an unexpected way, I owe a lot to this song; and I’m excited to know that the talented musicians behind this masterpiece have finally been identified and are getting the credit they deserve.
As you can tell, this song’s identification is huge for me on a personal level. Yes, I’ll make a video… eventually. When? I don’t know. There will come a time when I’ll crack a script for a video that expresses how much this journey, this channel, the Lostwave community and subscribers mean to me. For now, though, I’m just going to sit back, listen and enjoy the former Mysterious Song! Talk soon. Thanks, as always.
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