Due to an increase in junk mail and even some malicious messages, the submission form has been removed. Instead, please send your message to the holding email address, calensifferman[at]gmail[dot]com, where submissions will be vetted for spam. Please note, this isn’t my personal email address and therefore any responses to your inquiry will come from a completely different email. Most messages will be answered within 48 hours, but please allow a full week.
If you’ve waited seven days and still haven’t heard back from me, please check your spam folder to ensure my response didn’t find its way in there (again, my reply won’t come from calensifferman[at]gmail[dot]com). In the event my response isn’t in your spam folder, then unfortunately your initial message may have gotten incorrectly flagged as spam. One thing you can try is to use the following title structure in the subject line: [Topic] // [Brief summary]
Example: Mysterious Music submission // The most mysterious country song has been identified as “Johnny Walker” by Larry Jinx Alexander
I apologize for any inconvenience. The form was much easier for everyone, but a select few had to ruin it for all. Thank you for your patience and understanding! Talk soon.