“JILL” Ad and “THE STAIRWELL” in Sirens Call. Plus, is Schultz working on a children’s story?

April is Men in Horror Month, and Sirens Call Publications’s upcoming eighth issue will be dedicated to it, including an ad for C. W. Schultz’s latest novel Jill and the premiere of his short-story entitled The Stairwell. Schultz reports that The Stairwell was originally a short-script entitled Echo with Laughter. If you like C. W. Schultz’s work, then you might like what Sirens Call Publications has to offer. Check ’em out!

It has also been made an official that Schultz is working on a children’s story that is planned to be the first of an ongoing series. All he will say about it is:

Yes, it’s true. Geez, what has the world come to.

It should be noted that this is not an indication that he is moving all his work into lighter territory. If you will look at the banner at the top of the page and if you have reviewed Schultz’s bibliography, you will notice that he has an interest in exploring many different styles of writing—or, as he prefers it, “storytelling”.

Stay tuned for an official release date of Issue #08 – Men in Horror.

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