Schultz’s Novels for Matchbook

Matchbook Yeval copy

All three of C. W. Schultz’s novels (Yeval, The Pack and Jill) will be available on the upcoming Kindle Matchbook. The release of the Matchbook in October 2013 will allow you to buy Kindle editions of your print-editions for only up to $2.99. Some of the thousands of books available for Matchbook are even cheaper than $2.99, including Schultz’s three novels, which will be available on Matchbook for free.

Please keep in mind, this is not a giveaway; Matchbook allows you to get Kindle Editions of paper-edition books you already own at a discounted rate. Kindle editions of Yeval, The Pack and Jill are still available for less than $8.00, and Paperbacks are available for less than $13.00.


The most recent issue of the magazine SCREEM has some cool stuff about Evil Dead, Pacific Rim and The Lords of Salem, and also includes an ad for C. W. Schultz’s third novel Jill.

Hey, horror fans– get yourself a copy of the latest issue and have a fun read!



“THE STAIRWELL” Available Now!

Siren's Call Issue 08

Download The Sirens Call April 2013 eZine for Free!

The Stairwell by C. W. Schultz, a dark and edgy short-story that originated as a script Schultz wrote entitled Echo with Laughter, was released on Sirens Call Publications’ eighth eZine issue Men in Horror. The story begins on page 28, and an ad for Jill, Schultz’s third novel, can be found on page 82.

If you are having issues loading the link, try using Firefox.

Fourth Novel in 2016

Schultz has annouced that he has started work on his fourth novel, but is taking his “sweet time with it”. While he expects it to be out sooner, he said it shouldn’t be released any later than 2016.

It should be noted that Schultz is working on other projects, which is why his fourth novel is not expected to be done sooner.

At this point, he is unwilling to give such details as the title, the plot or a specific genre. He did say that despite his creativity expanding into children’s literature, “Just like with Yeval, The Pack and Jill, novel four will definitely NOT be for children!”

“JILL” Ad and “THE STAIRWELL” in Sirens Call. Plus, is Schultz working on a children’s story?

April is Men in Horror Month, and Sirens Call Publications’s upcoming eighth issue will be dedicated to it, including an ad for C. W. Schultz’s latest novel Jill and the premiere of his short-story entitled The Stairwell. Schultz reports that The Stairwell was originally a short-script entitled Echo with Laughter. If you like C. W. Schultz’s work, then you might like what Sirens Call Publications has to offer. Check ’em out!

It has also been made an official that Schultz is working on a children’s story that is planned to be the first of an ongoing series. All he will say about it is:

Yes, it’s true. Geez, what has the world come to.

It should be noted that this is not an indication that he is moving all his work into lighter territory. If you will look at the banner at the top of the page and if you have reviewed Schultz’s bibliography, you will notice that he has an interest in exploring many different styles of writing—or, as he prefers it, “storytelling”.

Stay tuned for an official release date of Issue #08 – Men in Horror.

Win Autographed Copy of “JILL”

No_2_fanGoodreads is giving away a free autographed copy of C. W. Schultz’s latest novel Jill, along with an exclusive serial killer calling card.

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Jill by C.W. Schultz


by C.W. Schultz

Giveaway ends January 21, 2013.

See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.

Enter to win

Schultz’s 3 Books @ Goodkindles

Jill Banner 660x100C. W. Schultz’s three novels are now at There you will find new and unique descriptions of Schultz’s novels Yeval, The Pack and Jill not found anywhere else. Those who have read the novel(s) may still find something intriguing, funny and/or interesting that they did not know before, not to mention the site has many great Kindle books for all readers to discover!

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