Schultz’s Novels for Matchbook

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All three of C. W. Schultz’s novels (Yeval, The Pack and Jill) will be available on the upcoming Kindle Matchbook. The release of the Matchbook in October 2013 will allow you to buy Kindle editions of your print-editions for only up to $2.99. Some of the thousands of books available for Matchbook are even cheaper than $2.99, including Schultz’s three novels, which will be available on Matchbook for free.

Please keep in mind, this is not a giveaway; Matchbook allows you to get Kindle Editions of paper-edition books you already own at a discounted rate. Kindle editions of Yeval, The Pack and Jill are still available for less than $8.00, and Paperbacks are available for less than $13.00.

Fourth Novel in 2016

Schultz has annouced that he has started work on his fourth novel, but is taking his “sweet time with it”. While he expects it to be out sooner, he said it shouldn’t be released any later than 2016.

It should be noted that Schultz is working on other projects, which is why his fourth novel is not expected to be done sooner.

At this point, he is unwilling to give such details as the title, the plot or a specific genre. He did say that despite his creativity expanding into children’s literature, “Just like with Yeval, The Pack and Jill, novel four will definitely NOT be for children!”

Schultz’s 3 Books @ Goodkindles

Jill Banner 660x100C. W. Schultz’s three novels are now at There you will find new and unique descriptions of Schultz’s novels Yeval, The Pack and Jill not found anywhere else. Those who have read the novel(s) may still find something intriguing, funny and/or interesting that they did not know before, not to mention the site has many great Kindle books for all readers to discover!

“JILL” Official Release Date!

At long last, an official release of Schultz’s third book Jill, a novel about a female serial killer, is in sight… or perhaps right in front of us. Tuesday, December 11th, 2012 is the date. Although the original plan to release it on Black Friday was scrapped, it appears the book will still be out in time for the Holidays; 14 days before Christmas to be exact. Jill will be available on both Paperback and Kindle editions. C. W. Schultz also wrote Yeval (2007) and The Pack (2010), both of which are available on Paperback and Kindle at, among other retailers.

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